Reflections on the Green Economy Event

  The Green Economy Forum: Financing The Green Transition, event last week couldn’t have come at a better time. It was held on the day Donald Trump was named President-Elect of the USA, a day I found overwhelming and frankly depressing. The thought of the world’s largest economy once again being led by a fossil-fuel […]

Comparing CSR, ESG, Sustainability & PDO

The terms CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility), ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance), sustainability, and purpose-driven business are often used interchangeably. However, there are important differences between them.  While some may argue these are just jargon, at SBV, we believe understanding these nuances is crucial. Each approach offers distinct advantages, and choosing the right one can ensure […]

Unpicking the SDGs for SMEs

There is a plethora of ESG and CSR accreditations (more of which to come in April) however, there are also many frameworks that can provide a useful starting point or approach against which to measure your existing sustainability efforts.  Background –  The world’s largest, corporate sustainability initiative, is the UN Global Compact. This is driven […]

Feeling overwhelmed? A SME guide to getting started on your sustainability strategy

There is a plethora of sustainability accreditations; ESG reporting frameworks and differing corporate expectations of SMEs. Even for a business owner who acknowledges the importance of sustainability, it can be daunting to determine where to focus efforts for maximum impact and the question “Where on earth do I start?” Here we delve into some key […]

Free sustainability resources most UK SMEs are unaware of

Anjuli Parker, Founder of Sustainable Business Ventures explains how many SMEs are unaware of the free or low-cost resources available to them to help them kick start their sustainability journey. Many small business owners have not yet defined their company’s sustainability strategy because they feel they have insufficient knowledge, time, or resources to do so. […]

Why should SMEs Embrace Sustainability today?

In an era where environmental concerns and social responsibility are at the forefront of global discussions, the business landscape is undergoing a significant transformation. Purpose is being pushed to the heart of business development as financial markets increasingly look to Impact Investment – this trend is certain to push along supply and value chains as […]